Spotlight on a Supplier: Fiona Duce

13th March 2013

The lovely Fiona Duce of Coastal Weddings is a fun, young, but highly professional Sunshine Coast wedding celebrant. We always have a good time and a laugh when Fiona is about the joint, because she is a naturally personable lass, and just always so very happy! We think her unbridled happiness must be because this very happily married woman sincerely enjoys being part of other couples’ journey into married life. But hey, enough speculating, because there’s simply no need – Fiona has answered all of our probing questions. So let’s train our spotlight on this star of the Sunshine Coast…

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Photo of the Week

29th June 2012

I really adore a man in a black skinny tie. There is something classic, romantic and ultra stylish about the black suit, crisp white shirt and the simplicity of the black skinny tie. I think with weddings, it's particularly lovely, because the black compliments the white of the wedding dress and allows the bride to shine. And boy, does this bride shine in her tulle skirt of her wedding dress! Love it! To me, this photo is a real celebration. The groom is ecstatic with his beautiful bride, the bride herself is blissfully satisfied and at peace with her new…

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Hi, I’m Sally, Founder and Editor of The Bride’s Tree. Over the past 13 years I’ve written thousands of articles about all things wedding from tips and trends to etiquette and ideas. On this blog I bring you the best of Sunshine Coast and Brisbane weddings.