Behind the Scenes on our Bridal Magazine Shoot in a Mansion
19th March 2021
Come behind the scenes to see what it's like being on location for our magazine shoot in a mansion on the Sunshine Coast.
19th March 2021
Come behind the scenes to see what it's like being on location for our magazine shoot in a mansion on the Sunshine Coast.
4th March 2017
What goes on at a styled shoot for our magazine? Find out with our Palm Springs wedding shoot from our summer online magazine.
8th September 2015
Our winter online magazine was an awful lot of fun to put together, especially working on our photo shoots. Take a peek behind the scenes...
13th May 2015
One of the most commonly asked questions our A-list makeup artists field is “Do I really need to have a makeup trial?” The very gorgeous and talented Natalie Hunter Makeup Artist allowed us to tag along on a makeup trial to get this important concern addressed once and for all, as well as take us through absolutely everything that’s involved in a bridal makeup trial with a professional wedding makeup artist. Images by Life and Love Photography Nat, why is it important for you as a makeup artist to have a trial with the bride? I always love to do…
25th February 2015
Our styled shoots for our online magazine take a large talented team and a lot of hours to put together. Simon J Coulson was the photographer on our most recent shoot, which had an Australian Bush theme and was set at the very secluded and gorgeous The Rocks at Yandina. Simon has shared some of the images we couldn’t fit in the magazine, as well as some never before seen shots to give you a little taste of what goes on behind the scenes at one of our epic styled wedding inspiration photo shoots.
20th February 2014
One of the greatest joys of putting together a beautiful bridal magazine is the exquisite photo shoots we get to put together. Our Alternative Brides shoot in our 8th edition has been getting audible oohs and aahs across the interwebs. So today I thought I’d share a little bit of insight into what it takes to make this level of beeyootiful bridal styled shoot happen. //// The concept of this styled shoot was born in a conversation Emma Nayler and I had. We both love something a little bit different, yet beautiful beyond compare. We got to talking about how…