Wedding film: Celeste & Cam’s AnnaBella Wedding

16th October 2014

Life on the Big Screen – Celeste & Cam’s Short Film from sunshinecoastvideo on Vimeo. Finishing off Friday with film is fabulous! Plus, who doesn’t like a little aliteration, right? What else would I have done if I didn’t have a fantastic film to share? I just don’t know, so I’m sure I can’t expect you to.  Look, I’m going to stop. And let you enjoy this film from Sunshine Coast Videography, that includes some of my favourite kind of prose – the rhyming kind – and features one of my all-time favourite ceremony venues, AnnaBella The Wedding Chapel. Have…

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AnnaBella Wedding

23rd May 2013

Chantel and Rob were married at what I consider to be one of the most perfect Sunshine Coast ceremony locations. AnnaBella The Wedding Chapel is but 10 minutes from local beaches and is a purpose-built wedding chapel set on a super pretty, perfectly-maintained secluded property on a quiet country road in Ilkley.  The AnnaBella Chapel is also decorated by owner, Judy, in the most tasteful and thoughtful manner with antique wooden pews, antique Chinese altar and light streaming that creates warmth befitting to a day spent joining families and celebrating love.  Take a peek at Chantel and Rob’s perfect day…

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Gallery of the Week

25th October 2012

Anna Bella The Wedding Chapel is one of the prettiest places around. The chapel itself is gorgeous, with restored vintage pews, antique French wrought iron doors, antique Chinese altar and incredible light streaming through the high glass windows. Then there is the beautiful sprawling grounds…  Oh look, just see the pretty for yourself in this gallery of images. The sample below are photos taken by Sunshine Coast wedding photographer, Aaron Shum, of Wholehearted Studio Photography + Styling. 

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Spring Races Wedding Styling

2nd July 2012

When thinking of a theme for your wedding, it doesn't all have to be about the colours and the bombonieres, and how you will decorate the joint up. You can also have your guests get involved and bring a bit of the styling on their person. No, I'm not suggesting you do an all-white party wedding, Jay-Z or P.Diddy-style (or whoever it is, who hosts these ludacris events.) Personally, I think limiting your entire guest list to wearing but one colour is a bit over-the-top and potentially stressful for them. You could, however, ask them to get into the spirit of…

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Hi, I’m Sally, Founder and Editor of The Bride’s Tree. Over the past 13 years I’ve written thousands of articles about all things wedding from tips and trends to etiquette and ideas. On this blog I bring you the best of Sunshine Coast and Brisbane weddings.