That special touch

27th January 2013

  Guest blog post by Carrie and Emily from A Darling Affair. Each month the ladies will showcase specialties from their “Darling” vendors. This months theme is: bridesmaids Sometimes the giving of things or the finer details or effort means a lot more than when someone actually speaks the words “I love you”. We like people to have an “experience” when people come to our fairs. Making it personal helps others to see how much you care for them. Some people are better are creating things or giving things than expressing their verbal feelings. A gift from the heart. Asking your besties to…

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Hi, I’m Sally, Founder and Editor of The Bride’s Tree. Over the past 13 years I’ve written thousands of articles about all things wedding from tips and trends to etiquette and ideas. On this blog I bring you the best of Sunshine Coast and Brisbane weddings.