Just in case you missed it…

22nd December 2012

The countdown to Christmas is on, and us girls at The Bride's Tree HQ are jumping-out-of-our-skin excited! We are very much Christmas enthusiasts, loving the season to be jolly to little bits and pieces!  It's been a week choc-a-block full of Christmas parties, Christmas shopping, Christmas carols, and taste-testing all the Christmassy goodness we and others have baked. In-between all of that, we have been working hard on our upcoming magazine, due out in January, and bringing you loads of awesome wedding inspiration.  On Monday we told you where to find a cute wedding decoration that combines two of the…

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Hi, I’m Sally, Founder and Editor of The Bride’s Tree. Over the past 13 years I’ve written thousands of articles about all things wedding from tips and trends to etiquette and ideas. On this blog I bring you the best of Sunshine Coast and Brisbane weddings.