Fabric-inspired Wedding Invites

30th July 2012

Ooh, what a splendid idea – fabric wedding invitations! The very clever Michelle of Stand Tall Design has put together this amazing wedding stationery, all based around a piece of fabric she had in the back of her cupboard. Not at all a sewer, Michelle took to the machine like a fish to water (okay, she actually admits it was a bit trickier than this, but got there in the end!), and the end result is this stunning stationery range, including the matching bomboniere jam jar label and fabric lid cover. Cute! Michelle says she can create a stationery range…

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Custom Designed Vintage Wedding Invitations

18th March 2012

Who ever said wedding invitations had to be pretty and feminine and include swirls and lace? Who said they can't involve a dirty big Highland Cow? I don't know who. But I can tell you who said they can be unique and stylish and yes, feature a dirty big Highland Cow – Kerrie-Anne Bennett, that's who. This lady thinks outside the box to come up with super cool invitations for any style Sunshine Coast wedding.  This custom-designed vintage- inspired invitation by Sunshine Coast business, Kerrie-Anne Designs, was commissioned by a couple being married in the Gold Coast hinterland on Tamborine Mountain….

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Hi, I’m Sally, Founder and Editor of The Bride’s Tree. Over the past 13 years I’ve written thousands of articles about all things wedding from tips and trends to etiquette and ideas. On this blog I bring you the best of Sunshine Coast and Brisbane weddings.